
您所在的位置:网站首页 confront sb over sth 【20180414话题】英语字典使用实战与思考分享Day6


#【20180414话题】英语字典使用实战与思考分享Day6| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

吴爱芝: 【Juanita 20180414Day2词汇分享】 Face n. /v. Face这个单词大家最熟悉不过了,所以我就挑几个我觉得有意思的解释或谚语分享下

Smiling faces/ a sad face 大家想到笑脸/悲伤脸,其实这里的英文定义是expression shown on a face,具体指的是面部表情或脸色,同样是脸,但此脸非彼脸 One’s face falls: one’s expression shows disappointment His face fell when he heard the news. 非常形象有木有,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ In the face of sth 我们一般将它翻译成面对某事物,但人家还有in spite of sth 不顾某事物的意思 Succeed in the face of danger 不惧危险地完成 Put a bold, brave, good, etc face on sth: accept (bad news,etc) courageously, pretending that it is not as bad as it is Her exam results were disappointing, but she tried to put a brave face on it. Set one’s face against sb/sth: determined to oppose sb/sth 感觉这个短语也是相当的形象 Face 做动词有require the attention of sth/sb;confront的意思 The problems that face the Government 注意这里用的是主动形式 Let’s face it : we must acknowledge that... Let’s face it, we won’t win whatever we do.

凝镜君: 【林淑君20180414Day6词汇分享】 act [ækt]

【解词】 来自于拉丁语actus 。

【释义】 a thing that sb does 指行为、行动、所为: an act of kindness 善行 【近义词】 1.action a thing that sb does 指行动、动作: Her quick action saved the child's life. 她行动迅速,救了小孩的命。 2.move (used especially in journalism) an action that you do or need to do to achieve sth (尤用于新闻)指为达到某目标而采取或需要采取的行动: They are waiting for the results of the opinion polls before deciding their next move. 他们在等待民意测验的结果,然后再决定下一步行动。

【辨析】 用action还是act? These two words have the same meaning but are used in different patterns. An act is usually followed by of and/or used with an adjective. Action is not usually used with of but is often used with his , her , etc. 这两个词意义相同,但用于不同的句型。 act后常跟of,而且 / 或常与形容词连用。 action通常不与of连用,但常与his、her等词连用: a heroic act of bravery 英勇壮举 a heroic action of bravery his heroic actions/acts during the war 他在战争中的英雄壮举 Action often combines with take but act does not. action常与take搭配,act则不能: We shall take whatever acts are necessary.

收获: 通过辨析以及英英释义,更清楚了act和action之间的区别和用法。

素谊: 【Susie20180414Day3词汇分享】 commute /kəˈmju:t/

【解词】commute来源于拉丁词commutare,词缀词根为 com ‘altogether’ + mutare ‘to change’.原意是to exchange, change。

【释义/字典例句】 1.cn. (usu singular) the journey to work every day上下班路程 My morning commute takes 45 minutes. 2.vi. to regularly travel a long distance to get to work上下班往返;通勤 搭配:commute to/from/between Jim commutes to Manhattan every day. 3.vt. to change the punishment given to a criminal to one that is less severe减轻(刑罚) 搭配:commute a sentence (to something) His death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. 4.vt. to exchange one thing, especially one kind of payment, for another交换 搭配:commute something for/into something Under these conditions, direct labor service duties were commuted for money payments.


李洪彬: 【Ben20180414Day3词汇分享】 prolific \prə-ˈli-fik 【解词】from L. proles(o,e都为长音) "offspring"后代 + fic "to make"做

【释义】Fruitful, fertile, productive. 多产的,肥沃的

【例句/解析】 a prolific orchard 多产的果园 a prolific family 多口之家 a prolific writer 多产(文学作品)的作家 a prolific composer 多产(音乐作品的)作曲家 a prolific worker 高效的工人 a prolific period (生产或发明)多产的时期

6个例子,其对象及其相应的表意都不同,当然,稍微归类一下可以是这样: 1.生长很多水果的果园 2.生育很多子女的家庭 3.产出很多产品(文学作品、音乐作品、生产产品等)的职业人 4.(因为某一时间段各行各业的人或组织创造了很多的产品或发明,因此让社会处于)多产的时期



【字典例句】 •They are prolific breeders, with many hens laying up to six eggs. 他们都是多产的饲养员,养的母鸡很多都可以下6个蛋之多。 •All the big game congregate here, and birdlife is particularly prolific. 所有的大型野兽都聚集在这里,鸟类尤其丰富。 •Another prolific scorer is Dean Saunders. 另外一个得分高手是迪安·桑德斯。 •During the Seventies, Rundgren was astonishingly prolific. 20世纪70年代,伦德格伦的作品多得惊人。

【造句】 As a mistress in a prolific family, my mother influences me a lot.

【反义词】unproductive, barren, sterile\ˈster-əl\(不育的,贫瘠的), impotent\ˈim-pə-tənt\(无力的,性无能的), effete\e-ˈfēt\(软弱的,无男子气概的)

叶: 【叶20180414Day4词汇分享】 hawk




【拆词】 这两个词,把词缀拆开来,分别是“hawk+ing”和“hawk+ish”,可以大胆猜想肯定存在联系,只是要绕多大个弯的问题。


【查词】 hawk的4个义项

countable noun A hawk is a large bird with a short, hooked beak, sharp claws, and very good eyesight. Hawks catch and eat small birds and animals. countable noun In politics, if you refer to someone as a hawk, you mean that they believe in using force and violence to achieve something, rather than using more peaceful or diplomatic methods. Compare dove. Both hawks and doves have expanded their conditions for ending the war. verb If someone hawks goods, they sell them by walking through the streets or knocking at people's houses, and asking people to buy them. [old-fashioned] ...vendors hawking trinkets. [VERB noun] Synonyms: peddle, market, sell, push More Synonyms of hawk verb You can say that someone is hawking something if you do not like the forceful way in which they are asking people to buy it. [disapproval] Developers will be hawking cut-price flats and houses. [VERB noun]

hawkish的义项 adjective Journalists use hawkish to describe politicians or governments who are in favour of using force to achieve something, rather than using peaceful and diplomatic methods. 匹配上面hawk第2义项,同时也反映了第1义项中hawk这种生物在英语里的文化象征。

hawking的义项 noun falconry; hunting with hawks 与上面hawk第1义项有直接联系

hawking的百科词条 “Hawking is an English language surname with origin from falconry. Variations include Hawken and Hawkins. ”


Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, who does not share Mr. Bolton’s hawkish views or approach to diplomacy, nonetheless praised Mr. Bolton, who worked for him in several capacities. New York Times Apr 8, 2018 Mr. Bolton, a hawkish former envoy to the United Nations, takes up the job on Monday. New York Times Apr 6, 2018

感触: 一个小小的联系,点燃了学生参与的热情,他会开口问Hawking是否hawkish之类的。虽然很无奈,花了10分钟讲了一个跟高考无关的词——hawk鹰,但是趁着他念叨hawkish,偷偷塞给他一个词缀-ish,记了childish, selfish等单词,也总好过让他从上课开始就昏昏欲睡。

pei: 【黎佩婷20180414Day6词汇分享】 trailblazing 【释义】 adj. 1.making or pointing a new way 2.to be a pioneer in ... 【例句】Trailblazing ability is an action ability reflecting trailblazers, behavioral skill. 创新能力是反映创新主体行为技艺的动作能力. 【造句】His trailblazing action made the boss agree with the rule he carried out. 【名词】trailblazer

柳珊: 【柳珊20180414Day3词汇分享】 fight / faɪt; faɪt /

【释义/字典例句】 fight n. 1.the act of fighting; any contest or struggle A fight broke out at the hockey game. synonymous: fighting, combat, scrap

2.an intense verbal dispute A violent fight over the bill is expected in the Senate synonymous: battle, conflict, engagement

3.an aggressive willingness to compete The team was full of fight synonymous: competitiveness

fight v. 1.be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight synonymous: contend,

2.struggle fight against or resist strongly Don't fight it! synonymous: oppose, fight back, fight down, defend

3.make a strenuous or labored effort synonymous: struggle

4.exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for synonymous: crusade, press, campaign, push, agitate

【常用搭配及例句】 1.fight against / with/与…对抗、作战;fight about / over / for为什么而斗争。 Two guys were fighting with each other in the street. 2.fight to do sth尽力做某事。 The president was fighting to survive. 3.fighting about争吵 4.fight tooth and nail (for sth)/fight sth tooth and nail全力以赴 5.fight to the death 决一雌雄 6.fight fire with fire 以毒攻毒; 7.以其人之道还治其人之身 8.fight like cat and dog 争吵不休 9.fight shy of (doing) sth 避免做某事;避免参与某事,回避某事 Many women fight shy of motherhood. 许多女性不愿做母亲。





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